Afrikaans volg onder.

The South African wine industry has topped its previous export record, with volumes sold in 2013 reaching 525,7 million litres, a 26% increase on the previous high achieved in 2012.

Strong year-on-year growth occurred in established and newer markets. Sales to the UK, still the country's biggest export destination accounting for just over one-fifth of total volumes exported last year, rose 21% to 111,2 million litres. Volumes to Germany, where South Africa is the biggest New World supplier, increased by 24% to 96,5 million litres, while exports to Russia were up 18% to 37,3 million litres.

The new CEO of Wines of South Africa (WOSA), Siobhan Thompson, attributed the dramatic rise in exports to the country's bumper harvest in 2013 that had allowed South Africa to fill the gap created by the poor European harvest, as well as to the penetration of new markets.

"It is encouraging that strong gains were achieved in the UK and Germany, our two biggest markets, where packaged wines in particular showed very healthy growth. Packaged wines to the UK were up 31% and to Germany by 17%. At the same time, exports also grew across an increasingly broad range of other markets."

She said the substantial growth in Russian sales was partly the result of the shortfall in the European harvest, where in some cases yields were the lowest in 40 years. "This was also the reason South African sales to wine-producing countries such as France, Italy and Spain increased so dramatically. However, we see as significant, the impressive growth in high potential markets such as the US, where we are confident of achieving long-term growth. "

She said exports to the US, a market of fast-growing importance to the country, increased by 37%, buoyed by improved distribution and ongoing positive media exposure. This included very favourable reviews in high-profile wine publications such as Wine Spectator and The Wine Advocate and amongst the very influential blogger fraternity. The US is currently the world's biggest market for wines.

"South Africa is increasingly perceived as the source of interesting, original and well-made wines, able to appeal to Americans eager to expand their repertoire. This is a very good positioning from which to build our base, particularly as we target Millennials, who are especially eager to encounter new taste experiences."

Strong gains had also been achieved in Denmark, she said, where packaged sales were up by 21%. The country was also making good inroads in many of Africa's major economies as well as in Japan, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

White wine sales had risen by almost 18% and reds, by 22%.  Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Pinotage and Merlot had seen the biggest increase in volumes exported.

Thompson noted that while bulk volumes had accounted for 65% of wines exported last year, up from 59% the previous year, this was largely a factor of the opportunistic buying on world markets prompted by the poor European harvest. It was also not a situation unique to South Africa, impacted on other New World wine-producing countries as well.

DATE                         JANUARY 14, 2014



QUERIES                   SIOBHAN THOMPSON, WOSA CEO, (021) 883 3820 or 082 828 0348

                                    ANDRÉ MORGENTHAL, WOSA COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, WOSA (021) 883 3860, 082 658 3883

                                    TESSA DE KOCK/MARLISE POTGIETER, DKC (021) 422 2690, 082 579 2358




Suid-Afrika se wynbedryf het sy vorige uitvoerrekord pas oortref. Die totale volume van 525,7 miljoen liter wat in 2013 verkoop is, oorskry die vorige hoogtepunt, wat in 2012 behaal is, met 26%.

Daar was sterk jaar-tot-jaar-groei in gevestigde én nuwe markte. Verkope aan die VK, wat steeds die land se grootste uitvoerbestemming is en verlede jaar vir net meer as een vyfde van  die totale uitvoervolumes verantwoordelik was, het met 21% tot 111,2 miljoen liter gestyg. Volumes na Duitsland, waar Suid-Afrika die grootste voorsiener uit die Nuwe Wêreld is, het met 24% tot 96,5 miljoen liter toegeneem terwyl uitvoere na Rusland met 18% tot 37,3 miljoen liter gestyg het.

Siobhan Thompson, Wines of South Africa (WOSA) se nuwe uitvoerende hoof, skryf die dramatiese toename in uitvoer aan die land se uitstekende oes in 2013 toe. Dit het Suid-Afrika in staat gestel om die tekort aan te vul wat weens ’n swak Europese oes ontstaan het. Terselfdertyd is nuwe markte betree.

“Dit bemoedig ’n mens dat daar in die VK en Duitsland – ons sterkste twee markte – só ’n stewige toename was. Veral verpakte wyn het baie gesond gegroei – met 31% in die geval van die VK en met 17% in die geval van Duitsland. Terselfdertyd het uitvoere ook oor ? al breër spektrum in ander markte gegroei.”

Sy het gesê die beduidende toename in verkope aan Rusland was deels weens die swakker Europese oes, wat in sommige gevalle die kleinste in veertig jaar was. “Dis ook waarom verkope van Suid-Afrikaanse wyn aan wynproduserende lande soos Frankryk, Italië en Spanje so dramaties gestyg het. Ons beskou die indrukwekkende groei in markte met groot groeipotensiaal, soos die VSA, as van besondere belang aangesien ons glo dat dit langtermyn-potensiaal vir Suid-Afrika inhou.”

Sy het gesê uitvoere na die snel groeiende Amerikaanse mark, reeds die grootste ter wêreld, het danksy beter verspreiding en volgehoue positiewe mediablootstelling met 37% toegeneem. Die uiters gunstige mediakommentaar het onder meer in hoog aangeskrewe wynpublikasies soos Wine Spectator en The Wine Advocate verskyn. Die baie invloedryke blogger-gemeenskap het ook ’n rol gespeel.

“Suid-Afrika word toenemend as ? bron van interessante, oorspronklike, goed gemaakte wyne beskou. Dit spreek tot Amerikaners wat hul ervaringswêreld wil uitbrei. Dit vorm ’n baie goeie vertrekpunt waarvandaan ons ons basis kan uitbrei, veral met die Millenniumgeslag in die visier, want hulle hou veral daarvan om nuwe smake op die proef te stel.”

Daar was ook groot vordering in Denemarke, het Thompson gesê. Hier het verkope van verpakte wyn met 21% gestyg. Suid-Afrika staan ook al stewiger in talle van die sterkste ekonomieë in Afrika, en ook in Japan, Thailand en die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate.

Verkope van wit wyne het met bykans 18% toegeneem, en dié van rooi wyne met 22%. Die uitvoervolumes van sauvignon blanc, cabernet sauvignon, shiraz, pinotage en merlot het die meeste gestyg. Thompson het daarop gewys dat grootmaatvolumes verlede jaar 65% van alle wynuitvoer uitgemaak het, teenoor 59% die vorige jaar, maar dat opportunistiese aankope in wêreldmarkte as gevolg van die swak Europese oes grootliks die dryfveer hiervoor was.

Dié toestand het nie net vir Suid-Afrika gegeld nie, maar het ook ’n invloed op ander wynproduserende lande in die Nuwe Wêreld gehad.

DATUM                              14 JANUARIE 2014


NAMENS                           WOSA

NAVRAE                            SIOBHAN THOMPSON, WOSA SE UITVOERENDE HOOF (021) 883-3820 of (082) 828-0348

                                           ANDRÉ MORGENTHAL, WOSA SE KOMMUNIKASIEBESTUURDER (021) 883-3860 of (082) 658-3883

                                           TESSA DE KOCK/MARLISE POTGIETER, DKC (021) 422-2690 of (082) 975-2358